Like listening to things as you drive? Check out Audible– you can get podcasts, audiobooks and more- it’s a perfect way to pass the time on a long drive.Otherwise, you’re going to use up a lot of data and/ or run the risk of being in an area with bad signal and no music! Make sure the songs are downloaded onto your phone/ ipod.

That’s why a road trip playlist is so important- you don’t have to worry if the next tune will be great, you already know it will be! The window wound down, the stereo cranked up and some awesome tunes you can sing along to- perfection, right? But if you’re anything like us, your phone/ ipod is a random mix of all sorts of music- including a Christmas album or 7. How to create a great road trip playlist with sing-along songs! If you find this post useful, you can also treat us to a coffee at the bottom of this page- we promise to enjoy it while creating more useful content like this- we might even indulge in a biscuit (or two!) The website is supported by our readers, so if you buy through links on this site we may earn a commission- at no extra cost to you. *We work hard to make this the best motorhome blog and road trip website possible, full of helpful content for you.